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United Way

Maine Resources

United Way of the Greater Seacoast is a non profit, community–based organization governed and operated by volunteers from Strafford and Rockingham Counties and Kittery and Eliot, Maine.

Greater Seacoast United Way:

United Way of Androscoggin Valley:

"To increase the organized capacity of people in Androscoggin County to care for one another."

United Way of Aroostook County:

Their primary mission is to improve the quality of life of Aroostook County residents by collecting and distributing County resources to various agencies that respond to the County's health and human service needs.

United Way of Mid-Coast Maine:

United Way of York County:

Their Mission is to foster an ongoing community-wide voluntary effort to increase the organized capacity of the people of York County to care for one another.

United Way of Greater Portland:

A volunteer-led organization that works to address and support the health and human service needs of the Greater Portland community

United Way of Kennebec Valley:

Serves eighteen cities and towns in southern Kennebec County.

United Way of Eastern Maine:

Their mission is to improve the lives of people in Eastern Maine by mobilizing the caring power of people and communities. We bring together human, financial and strategic resources to strengthen children and families, support seniors, meet people's basic needs, and promote self-sufficiency for all individuals.

United Way of Mid Maine:

Focused on Northern Kennebec county and parts of Somerset county.

United Way of Oxford County:

Regional Resources

National Resources


United Way Worldwide:

Improves lives by mobilizing the caring power of communities around the world to advance the common good. Site has a search function to find United Way locations.

"We all have a stake in what befalls our fellow man. We all benefit when a child succeeds in school, when someone finds a job that will help them provide for their family, or when more people are able to access quality, affordable health care.  

The solutions we create for communities around the world go beyond short-term charity for a few.  When United Way’s support for Community Schools helps increase the graduation rate in the Vallejo City Unified School District by 11 percent in just three years, it’s not just the students, or even just the families of those students who benefit. Those proud graduates now have a much better chance of landing a job that pays a livable wage, of staying out of trouble with the law, and of living longer, healthier lives — and that translates into a safer, healthier and more prosperous community for everyone.

We rise or fall together. With your support, we are reaching for great new heights."

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