Support Groups
Maine Resources
Epilepsy Support Group Meetings: http://www.epilepsyfoundation.org
online support is available through the website by free registration. All are welcome to attend support group meetings including family and friends.
New Group Forming, Panic Relief, Inc.: 732-940-9658
A group in Damariscotta to help sufferers of panic, anxiety and other fears on Mondays 12-1 p.m. and Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30 p.m. The program is geared to help anyone suffering from panic, anxiety and agoraphobia to cope with these disorders. The non-profit educational organization directed by Judy Schiffman will teach participants how to control panic attacks and anticipatory anxiety.
Regional Resources
New England ADA Center - Offers resources for individuals with disabilities and may have information about local groups.
National Resources
Mental Health America (MHA) - Offers a searchable database for mental health support groups.
NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) - State-specific chapters in New England (e.g., NAMI Massachusetts, NAMI Maine) list support groups for mental health conditions.
The Mighty - A website offering a directory of virtual and local support groups for various conditions.