Respite Care
Maine Resources
NAMI Maine Family Respite Program - Assists families by providing certified providers to care for children with significant developmental delays and behavioral or emotional disorders, allowing caregivers to take a much-needed break.
Respite for ME: Family Caregiver Grants Pilot Program - Launched in fall 2022, this initiative offers $2,000 grants to family caregivers of individuals living with Alzheimer's Disease and related dementias, enabling access to respite care and other supportive services.
Southern Maine Agency on Aging – State Respite Care Program - Supports family caregivers of individuals with dementia by reimbursing some costs for respite services, allowing caregivers to take a break from their responsibilities.
Community Care – Family Respite Services -
Connects families with trained caregivers who provide specialized support for children with higher needs, offering caregivers time to recharge.
Regional Resources
National Resources
The Arc (Fact Sheets): http://www.thearc.org/NetCommunity/Page.aspx?&pid=1651&srcid=217
Partners In Caring Respite for Caregivers: http://www.eaaa.org/feed.php?feed_id=59&news_id=426
Information and support for families and you as a caregiver. Providers offer companionship and supervision for your loved one while you take a break. Can offer several hours of respite care each week. In addition, Partners In Caring can offer 2 full weeks of respite care once a year at a residential care facility for your loved one when funds are available. Offers you respite time on a regular basis to do the things that are important to you. Some caregivers use respite time to take a nap, go shopping, go out to eat, visit family and friends, go fishing, play golf or resume community activities. Plus, once a year, you can take two weeks vacation while your loved one is being cared for by experienced care professionals.