Traumatic Brain Injury
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a disruption in normal brain function caused by a sudden blow, jolt, or penetrating injury to the head. The severity can range from mild (concussion) to severe, potentially leading to long-term cognitive, physical, and emotional impairments. Symptoms may include headaches, confusion, memory loss, and difficulty concentrating. Recovery often involves medical treatment, rehabilitation, and therapy to manage symptoms and improve quality of life.
Maine Resources
Brain Injury Association of America - The Maine Chapter focuses on raising awareness about brain injuries, offering resources, support, and advocacy for prevention and better services in Maine. It provides educational outreach, support groups, and information for individuals and families affected by brain injuries. BIAA-ME also promotes advocacy and organizes events like the "Defining Moments in Brain Injury Conference." This is a national resource which has a Maine based Chapter.
Maine Brain Injury Support Groups - Offers a comprehensive guide to local and online resources, including various types of support groups that cater to specific needs such as traumatic brain injury (TBI) and spinal cord injury. Additionally, it provides information on the types of brain injuries, their symptoms, and rehabilitation options, as well as research developments and treatment possibilities to aid recovery and improve quality of life.
Maine DHHS - Brain Injury - Offers various services for adults with acquired brain injuries through MaineCare, including the Brain Injury Waiver, Outpatient Neurorehabilitation Services, and specialized nursing facility care. Eligibility is determined by assessments that evaluate medical necessity and functional abilities. Applications require medical documentation and are processed through Maine's Assessing Services Agency.
MaineHealth - Neuro-Rehabilitation - Offers neuro-rehabilitation services to enhance the quality of life for individuals with neurological deficits such as stroke, brain tumors, traumatic brain injuries, Parkinson’s disease, and multiple sclerosis. The multidisciplinary team includes occupational therapists, physical therapists, speech-language pathologists, neuropsychologists, and physiatrists. For more information, visit the linked website.
New England Rehabilitation Hospital of Portland - Provides comprehensive inpatient and outpatient medical rehabilitation to patients with stroke, brain injury, cardiac, pulmonary, spinal cord injury, amputation, and other neuro-muscular impairments.
Regional Resources
Brain Injury Alliance of Vermont (BIAVT) - Offers various support groups for individuals affected by brain injuries in the Northern New England region. These groups, both in-person and virtual, include the Burlington Support Group, Bristol Support Group, "Life After Concussion'' Virtual Support Group, and Youth Survivors Network. Additionally, there are support options in Lebanon, NH, and Keene, NH.
Northeast Rehab Hospital | Brain Injury Center - Offers a comprehensive Brain Injury Recovery Program with acute inpatient rehabilitation and medical management. Their team, including Certified Brain Injury Specialists and Certified Rehabilitation Registered Nurses, employs evidence-based therapies and advanced technology like LiteGait and Bioness devices. They provide extensive support for patients and families, including peer visits, support groups, and educational programs. Facilities are located in Salem, Manchester, Portsmouth, and Nashua, New Hampshire.
ServiceNet | Brain Injury Services - Offers comprehensive support for individuals with brain injuries through residential services, supported apartments, and shared living options. The Enrichment Center provides activities and therapies, while the Strive Clinic in Holyoke offers specialized treatments. They accept MassHealth and other insurance options.
Seven Hills Foundation - NeuroCare - Offers comprehensive, community-based support for individuals with acquired brain injuries and neuro-developmental disorders. They provide post-acute rehabilitation and services designed to foster independence, autonomy, and community inclusion through a person-centered approach and positive behavior supports. Their integrated team includes specialists in cognitive rehabilitation, speech therapy, psychology, and more. The Creative Minds Program offers virtual arts and music activities funded by the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission’s Statewide Head Injury Program.
Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital | Brain Injury Program - Offers specialized brain injury rehabilitation for both traumatic and non-traumatic injuries. Their comprehensive program includes hospital rehab, long-term acute care, skilled nursing, and outpatient services. The multidisciplinary team provides individualized care, utilizing advanced therapies and extensive family and community support to enhance recovery and promote independence. Spaulding is recognized as a Traumatic Brain Injury Model System by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research.
National Resources
Brain Injury Hope Network - Provide support, resources, and a community for individuals affected by brain injuries. It aims to empower survivors and caregivers through shared experiences, information, and advocacy, helping them navigate the recovery process and find hope and strength in their journey.
Brainline - Offers comprehensive information and resources on brain injury and PTSD. The site features educational content, personal stories, expert Q&A, and up-to-date news to support individuals with brain injuries, their families, and professionals. It covers a wide range of topics including symptoms, treatment, and living with brain injury, and provides targeted resources for military veterans, caregivers, and children.