Breath & Shadow
Summer 2024 - Vol. 21, Issue 1
"The Vaporization of an Insane Working-Class Man"
written by
David Lee Dickerson
I’m just a poor man who lives in a ratty apartment on top of a hill
I can barely pay my rent, I can barely pay my bills
Just another nobody in the good ol’ US of A
So I wrote this poem knowing that nobody cares what I have to say
But I thought I’d say it anyway:
Get a job!
Get a job!
That’s all you hear people say
If you can make a rich man richer
You get to live for another day
My city is a blight
The roads look like they have leprosy
The water from my tap is toxic
But they tell me that at least I’m free
But there’s too much pain in this world I live
And too many friends have died
Some from drug overdoses
Some from suicides
Because when you’re born poor in America
It’s like being born into a ditch
The ditch just keeps getting deeper and deeper
And it never seems to quit
And when you’re living poor in America
Your life is already such a bitch
But then they gotta go milk you for all your money
To offset their tax cuts for the rich
I was born into this world
With no say to how it was planned
I was born into this world
Not owning an inch of land
The Wealthy own the Means of Production
It’s called Private Property
While the poor we sell our labor
We gotta earn our poverty
Doctors are a class privilege
One that doesn’t belong to me
Oh, how I wish I lived in one
Of those overseas nations –
Where the health care is free!
Because my two hernias keep getting bigger
I can’t afford to get them fixed
And I’ve been deaf since 2001
But you know I’d be hearing if I were rich
And you know I’ve worked through sickness
And you know I’ve worked through pain
And as God is my witness
I’m now working while insane
My bosses pay me shit
They won’t give me a raise
While the price of everything keeps rising –
Not a dime can I save!
So I guess I’ll just go on eating
Beans and cornbread every day
So strike another item
Off your grocery list
While muttering to yourself:
“This is getting ridiculous!”
Going crazy, breaking point, too much stress
Heard another man just grabbed a semi-automatic
Shot 22 people to death
What kind of crazy world is this?
The best we can hope for
So we’re taught
Where some are born to billions
And some are born to squat
And those who inherit billions
They didn’t burn one calorie to get
Are given total power and domination
Over those who have to work for every cent
Our Democracy is gone – we voted it away!
And we voted in an Oligarchy
Now rule by the rich is here to stay
You say you want your Democracy back?
I’m afraid it’s too damn late!
Like the gods of Mt. Olympus
They’ve conspired to seal our fate
Now their iron heel is crushing against our throats
And they’ll never let us escape!
So good-by to the Democracy
Of the common man
And greetings to the Spirit of Fascism
Now sweeping across the land
They Privatized the Prisons
They Militarized the Police
A baleful moon has risen
Something evil’s been unleashed
The poor are like a cornfield
The police a locust plague
After the locust swarm the cornfield
Half the poor are in a cage
They’ve crammed you like a slaughterhouse chicken
In this overcrowded cell
Now they farm you out for prison labor
You’re just a slave in this man-made hell
Yeah they took away your freedom
And tossed you like an animal in this cage
Now they’ll work you like a dray horse
Until you drop down in your grave
This shit couldn’t reek worse
If they opened up every grave in potter’s field
Fighting like savage beasts in a gladiator match
To give the guards a sick sadistic thrill
But this is the kind of system you get
When you let the billionaires rule
Take money away from our schools
In order to build these worlds so cruel
Manipulation of racial tensions
Is another way to keep the prisoners under control
You stabbed your rapist with a homemade shiv
Now you’re sitting on death row
Brutal beatings, degradation –
Another trip to the solitary hole!
It’s all been designed by the rich man
To crush the poor man’s soul
Because corporations are really Demons
And Satan is their bank
Steal everything away from the people
To build their machine guns, bombs, and tanks
Our Congress is just a House of Prostitution
The rich are the johns and they’re the whores
Better get ready to bury your loved ones
The rich just bought themselves another war
Celebration! Jubilation!
The champagne corks are popping!
Once again they fooled a nation!
Now the bombs are dropping!
Now the bombs are dropping
People fleeing, People screaming
Because when that flood of blood is flowing
A rich man’s bank account is growing
Protected by the American bourgeoisie
See them sitting on their big fat ass
Watching their favorite sitcoms –
They laugh and laugh and laugh
While our bombs are blowing families to pieces
Blowing children right in half
I see their opulent mansions
Built upon mountains towering so high
But when I peer closely at those mountains
I see millions of corpses stacked to the sky
And when I see their fabulous yachts a-sailing
I just sit down and cry
Yachts sailing on oceans of blood
Blood of all the poor who fought their wars and died
Now you’re sitting in the voting booth
Trying hard to decide who to choose
Who gets to screw you on behalf of the rich
But any way you choose you lose
What does our history teach?
That when money-is-free-speech
The rich will roar like lions
While the middle-class mice can barely squeak
When you have no money you have no voice
And if you’re poor you don’t count at all
You’re just screaming into a void
Feeling like you’re one inch tall
When the ballot box offers no solution
Talk on the streets will turn to revolution
When the working-class finally rises up in rage
They’ll light the fuse to that powder keg
But that day better come pretty damn fast
This House of Cards is about to collapse
We all better wake up and see the light
That Doomsday Clock is about to strike
Because this empire seeks world domination
It’s an insane game we don’t want to play
Driving us to a nuclear confrontation
But in an Oligarchy we have no say
So we turn back to our miserable lives
Trying to survive on our meager pay
Until that day when the sirens scream
The nuclear bombs are on their way
People shrieking, people praying,
Armageddon has finally come
Everyone cries they don’t wanna die
But there’s no place for them to run
Fearfully they look up to the sky
Paralyzed with dread
Here’s the final image to fry your eyes
A sun exploding above their heads
David Lee Dickerson is a deaf writer.