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Breath & Shadow
Summer 2016 - Vol. 13, Issue 3
"Three Tanka"
written by
Sergio Ortiz
I fled the claws
of dragonflies, that’s to say
I saw a woman
singing to her shadow
she sounded just like me
he was a no show
at the city without walls
of my heart...
listen to the torn blood
inside my violin
these prison bars
inside the apple of my eyes
open and close
like a hand-held fan...
you’re breaking my skin
Sergio A. Ortiz is the founding editor of Undertow Tanka Review. His collections of Tanka, For the Men to Come (2014), and From Life to Life (2014) were released by Amazon. He’s a two time Pushcart nominee and a four time Best of the Web nominee. His poems have been publish in over four hundred journals and anthologies.
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