Breath & Shadow
Fall 2016 - Vol. 13, Issue 4
"At The Expense of Joy: Human Rights Violations Against Human Beings With Autism via Applied Behavioral Analysis"
Dr. Kelly Levinstein
Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA), a multi-billion dollar cottage industry in the United States, is based on the work of Dr. O. Ivar Lovaas, who borrowed the principles from his experiments attempting to cure feminized boys at risk of homosexuality (Rekers & Lovaas, 1974) and the accompanying aversive of electric shock and corporal punishment. Lovaas used the rationale that homosexual behavior was (in California at the time) illegal. Moreover, he also shared the same fundamentalist Christian values as the parents who brought their children in for alleviation of feminine symptomology and possible homosexuality.
"Before the Diagnosis", "t6", and "Love Letters Series Poem V"
Heather Ace Ratcliff
i used to think that the
iron scaffolding of my ribcage
was strong enough to guard
the bruised filigree of my ruby heart -
until i heard the buzzing prescience
and learned how it felt when the tubercle slipped from the vertebrae and i was exposed.
"Black Kripple" and "An Interview with Leroy Moore"
Erika Jahneke
There is a lot written today in Movement circles, any movement really, about intersectionality and the way different forms of oppression, such as racism, sexism, and ableism overlap. You can ponder these concepts or watch them in action by reading Leroy Franklin Moore Jr.’s "Black Kripple Delivers Music and Lyrics".
Michelle Zhuang
The garden of my body is growing. My sister tells me, while we are perusing the Walmart greenhouse, that I need a little color on me. She chooses violets when I really want sunflowers, batting my hand away when I reach for the small labeled packet. “But then how would you walk?” she asks, laughing as she presses each small seed into the freshly packed dirt of my hand.
"My Cup Runneth Over-Not"
Occasionally, I check out the selection of vessels at a drugstore for one large enough to collect and transport radioactive waste. Recycled Styrofoam cups or hot tea containers from McDonalds can be used, though a child proof drinking cup with a smooth lip works better to prevent spillage when peeing in a cup.
"Time and Music"
Dorothy Baker
Nearly engulfed in six foot tall goldenrod, the shed, empty but for a ping pong table and
a nation of spiders, bides its remaining time.
Arthritic joists, porous sills like aging bones, eroding under the weight of eighty winters, feebly, precariously, support the tarp-covered roof...