Breath & Shadow
Spring 2010 - Vol. 7, Issue 2
"Bothered and Bewildered"
written by
Thomas Gagnon
As each day's beat beneath me subsides,
it requires a bell-pull at my brain
to schedule for tomorrow's June day
sense with dashes of sensibility,
each day no longer a medieval cathedral
buttressed by my engaged and engaging
students of Romantic and modern music history.
Today I wish, as I have wished,
since drinking in my first symphony, to spark
some emotion with orchestrated sounds,
emotion that when integrated
someplace in leaps across the brain
drives the hearer to alter experience
of each day that once was taught
with paper hands on a paper clock.
This heady fuel sends me by myself
away from my partner-in-love
striving to recall how to
make chaos into creation
that can serve for any day
that rainy day, any season
or lightly breezy day in early May
before pretty petit buds
become a green expanse of leaf.
This June day, my partner-in-love
expresses un-orchestrated turbulence.
My beats and measures can rest for an interim.
I sense a need to turn my ears,
attuned to an inner journey,
outward to her soliloquy,
of passionate sensibility.
Thomas Gagnon lives in Boston. While he has bipolar and generalized anxiety disorders, he continues to write. In 2009 he wrote an essay, "The Three Faces of Facebook", which was published online in the Wilderness House Literary Review. In December of 2009 he launched a blog of commentaries on books of interest.