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Breath & Shadow
Spring 2009 - Vol. 6, Issue 2
"The Urban Funeral"
written by
Stephanie Green
On a moonlit walk through the cemetery
One is never alone
No more can the weary dead rest in peace
With all this damn racket
Boy-racers zooming past, broken bottles
Clanging on the fence
Drunkards and revelers, stumbling through
Shortcut to the pub
I want to sit awhile, and ponder, and dream
But I am not safe
Peaceful, weed-filled, hopeful, worm-drilled
Graffiti and Epitaphs
Behind the graves of their forefathers
Teenagers shoot up
Serenading their ancestors with the latest iTunes
An elegy of hip-hop
No heed have they for the dead or the poet
They will take their memories someplace else
And I shall write
While the last vestiges of honour float gently away
Into the night
Stephanie Green
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