Breath & Shadow
Fall 2009 - Vol. 6, Issue 3
"Lie Down Spasticus"
written by
P.A. Levy
There's a tensile edge to us;
alloy lightweight
extra strong accessories to our limbs that would
otherwise collapse
with intermittent jestful ease, to leave us looking drunk
and disorderly
as we pitch and flounder in search of a foothold
claw toes
fight for balance, grapple against non-committed joints
that thoughtlessly
lock at one-eighty; can't sit down, or ninety; can't stand.
We smile, though the effort leaves us exhausted, slow motion
mechanical movements
become the choreographed burr and rust of just being;
metal fatigue
let's go to bed, undressed to titanium in robotica we perform
Meccanno porn
and not even hydraulic suspension or heavy duty lubrication
can prevent
those squeaks, singing out louder than bed springs, when
we rasp
and grind each other to filings. There's a metal edge to us,
we can't run but we're fucking.
P.A. Levy, having fled his native East End in a wheelchair (polio), now hides in the heart of Suffolk countryside learning the lost arts of hedge mumbling and clod watching. He has been published in many magazines and is an original member of the Clueless Collective.