Breath & Shadow
Fall 2009 - Vol. 6, Issue 3
written by
Azure R Angelus
This faulty rhythm cycles through my body
I have staggered with it always
When I was an unnumbered child
It was the tick-tock of the clock
That reminded me with each notch of noise
How awake I was through passing increments
These days, the time is uniform
Glowing some neon colour with precision
Having evolved past the need for hands
These digital numbers flicker by
Without a sound
Making the pass of time liquid
Each minute giving away with a smooth drip
I can no longer keep track
Seconds, minutes, hours
All become meaningless
A silent leak falling somewhere far from me
No longer able to impact the air
Granting nothing substantial to my ear
I've stopped believing it exists
Time is a myth to be filed away
Azure R. Angelus lives in Tarpon Springs, Florida. She is disabled due to Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Type III, which causes chronic pain. She has been previously published in OffKILTer Review and Pine River Anthology.