Breath & Shadow
March 2008 - Vol. 5, Issue 1
written by
Louie Crew
at a steal. Massive living rooms,
with built–in pipe organs, stained
glass windows, vaulted ceilings,
fonts, excellent reading stands, at
least one high table, with banquet
seating possible, and assorted ce–
lebrity chairs. Dressing rooms and
toilets attached. We have several
thousand such domiciles in all pe–
riods and styles at prime locations
both down– town and in the sub–
urbs. Statuary and murals includ–
ed. Fine linen and plate sold sepa–
rately. Easily modified without
regard to the creator's intentions.
Only one owner for nearly 2,000
years: has now returned to the
streets. Make an offer. Contact:
Jaweh, Housing Department, Ec–
Louie Crew, 71, is the author of 1,868 published poems and essays. He is an emeritus professor at Rutgers University and lives in East Orange, NJ, with his husband of 34 years, Ernest Clay.