Breath & Shadow
April 2008 - Vol. 5, Issue 2
"All There Is"
written by
Gail Livesay
I sit in a world of beauty.
The trees wave their arms in good cheer.
The flowers bow their colorful heads. The grasses
whisper in rapture.
I sit in pain, among all the wonderful glory given for me.
A tear slides down my cheek, as I listen to the
melody of nature’s concerto.
I am so out of place. I neither sing nor bow.
I know of no beauty I make.
I am only exquisite in my pain.
Am I just to be a backdrop to the world's wonder?
A comparison for what could have been?
The tree whispers, do not cry. I will lose my leaves
in fall, and be stark and bare in winter,
but I shall cheer in all my glory in spring.
The flowers say we too will go, but
we will be back,
In a glorious array.
The grass says I shall be buried, but
I will return,
to the delight of little toes.
You too, dear friend, must cry in season, but
cease the day for love and laughter.
That is all there is.
Previously published in "Poetry As Prayer, Appalachian Women Speak" 2006.
Gail Livesay is fifty–eight years old and lives in Berea, Kentucky with her husband Wayne. They have two children, Lisa and Michael and have been blessed with two granddaughters, Hannah and Marina. Gail's passion is writing poetry. She also enjoys painting and drawing.