Breath & Shadow Fall 2020 Issue is Here!

Issue 4 of Volume 17 is now available to read here!
This issue features: -"Monster" by Colleen Anderson -"The Unwelcome Destiny of Virginia Monahan" by Jennifer Lee Rossman -"I Got'cha" by Roger Barbee -"Like Me" by Grace Burnham -"Big or Small" by Dona McCormack
-"When You Stop Caring" by Mari-Carmen Marin -"Faux Face" by Susan M. Silver -"There’s No Special Ed at Hogwarts" by Jennifer Lee Rossman -"A Burning Sword" By Ann Chiappetta -"Akathesia" by Natalie Dale -"Of Anxiety" by Keily Blair -"Come This Way, He Said, And I Followed Him" by Judith Skillman
-"The Beast Between Us" by Shiloh Simmons
-"Writing to Be Free and Understood"
A review of ‘The Resilient WriterWheels: Can't Is A Bad Word ‘ by Chris Kuell
-"Forest" by Virginia Betts
-"Ghost Nutrients" by Anatoly Belilovsky
-"It’s Not All in The Family" by Wendy Kennar
-"Ode to Oceans Symphony" and "Gentle Woman" by C.A. Francis
-New on The Bookshelf, featuring two new works!