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Deaf & Hard of Hearing

Maine Resources

Division of Deafness - The Division of Deafness (DoD) is a division of the Maine Department of Labor (MDOL). The DoD provides a variety of services for deaf citizens of Maine including information and referral; advocacy; statewide registry; and promotion of accessibility. Additionally, DoD coordinates the assessment of the needs of people who are deaf and hard of hearing in order to recommend legislation to change or improve services. Other programs include Telecommunications Devices, Legal Interpreting, Identification Cards/Vehicle Placards, and Hearing-Ear-Dog registration.

Maine Association of the Deaf - Maine Association of the Deaf put together this website in light of the Lewiston Community tragedy on 10/25/23. Here, you will find Counseling and Resources, a spot to request a translator, and video translations for the website, spoken in ASL.

Maine Educational Center for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing - The Maine Educational Center for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing is the host location for the Governor Baxter School for the Deaf. MECDHH/GBSD “provides transformative learning, language-focused education, and opportunities for social-emotional growth, empowering Deaf and Hard of Hearing individuals, birth to 22, to reach their full potential.”

Maine Hands & Voices - Maine Hands and Voices is a parent-led non-profit organization based out of Brewer, ME. Their mission is to provide families with information and resources to improve communication access and educational outcomes for children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing.

MaineHealth Services for Deaf and/or HoH People - “Maine Behavioral Health care offers behavioral health and case management services for deaf and hard-of-hearing people of all ages… They are skilled in American Sign Language (ASL), spoken English, Signed Exact English (SEE), Visual Gesturing (VG) and are familiar with Deaf culture.”

Pine Tree Society - The Pine Tree Society offers communication resources, case management services, and community support for Deaf and Hard of Hearing people of Maine. The Pine Tree Society (in partnership with Pine Tree Camp) also hosts The Dirigo Experience–A camp for kids ages 7-15 designed to build confidence, leadership, and social skills while minimizing isolation.

National Resources

Hearing Loss Association of America - The HLAA’s mission is to “open the world of communication to people with hearing loss through education, information, support and advocacy.”

Lifeprint - Free online resource for learning ASL, taught by a native ASL speaker and teacher.

National Association of the Deaf - The NAD’s mission is to “preserve, protect, and promote the civil, human and linguistic rights of deaf and hard of hearing individuals in the United States of America”.

National Deaf Therapy List - A useful directory of deaf therapists currently taking clients throughout the nation.

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