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Autism Spectrum Disorder

Maine Resources

Autism Society of Maine: - The Autism Society of Maine invites you to join families and professionals in the pursuit of knowledge and understanding of autism spectrum disorders, treatments and support of Maine children and adults with autism. The organization is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for all individuals with learning disabilities and their families, to alleviating the restricting effects of learning disabilities, and to supporting endeavors to determine the causes of learning disabilities.

Learning Disabilities Association of Maine:

National Resources

Online Asperger Syndrome Information & Support (OASIS):

The Asperger's Association of New England (Maine Chapter):

Autism Society of America:

"The Pediatrician's Role in the Diagnosis and Management of Autistic Spectrum Disorder in Children" - A Report by The American Academy of Pediatrics:


Extensive list of Autism-related links:

New England Center for Children-

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