Breath & Shadow
Winter 2018 - Vol. 15, Issue 1
"Delirium Tremens"
written by
Quill an Sprague
Millions of shriveled corpse-hands
With protruding yellow nails
Float in starless space
And screech down a million blackboards
To infinity
Until stretching from nail to skin
The globby red strands of meat snap
And the nails crack-bleed
And flip double-back
And the boards transmute
To coarse sandpaper walls
Leaving millions of red tracks
Until the fleshy tips turn to bone
And scrape, scrape, scraping
Leaving thick resins of marrow
Like trails of slimy slugs
And it goes on and on and on
To the rhythm of a throbbing temple . . .
Quill an Sprague is a gruel-eating, low wage working proletariat trying to survive in a small cowboy town in Oklahoma. He has nerve damage in his ears, lives in a world of chaotic, cartoon sounds that he must struggle every day to decipher into human speech. Sometimes it all just makes him want to bang his head around in the rubber room.