Breath & Shadow
Winter 2015 - Vol. 12, Issue 1
"I have Painted"
written by
Margarita Tenser
I have painted
round the legs of furniture
it was so heavy, and my hands so tired
(I forgot.)
Now there is wet paint between
me and the door
through which I should have hauled this chest of drawers
and this coffee table. Press
on! Do not
lose focus
checkers on the internet
or read about Sidney Newman’s foiled attempt
at a female Doctor Who, and end up
with a floor half-done
forever. Doggedly
press on, although I know
that now there will be outlines
if I rearrange;
beige ghosts of living past
Decide to paint the bald spots later
maybe do them
in another colour, so it’s artsy
and stuff. Although
I know
I won’t.
I have painted myself
into a corner.
Margarita Tenser is a Ukrainian-born Aussie who harbours an irrational dislike of chocolate, works in a television-adjacent industry and spends a lot of time procrastinating on writing. Her poetry has been published in Voiceworks, Strange Horizons, and Stone Telling, and her official blog can be found at