Breath & Shadow
Fall 2009 - Vol. 6, Issue 3
written by
Nicole Kuppers
The crickets outside
The window were gone
And when I heard the sound
Of the hissing in my ears
I imagined 15 doctors
Escorting me to hell
And thought that I would
Never hear a sound again
By the window
Many nights annoyed
I scolded my children
For spilling that dinner's milk
Their tears dripped down
With no compassion from me
While still I waited for their father.
At night I dreamed
That my children would never know
My favorite piano song
Or the music that I had heard
20 years of love and laughter
The life of a musician
Went down the toilet drain
In the office the doctor said
The medicine has taken the wrong course
And you will just have to wait and see
Like I had told my son long ago
About his dad who lived so far away
On needles, I remembered how I told him
With such acceptance.
And when I tried to hear the crickets that night again
My child grabbed his ears and said
Mommy, where have your ears gone?
My children, whom I had pushed aside
were there to comfort me
And so I held my child
and tried again to say-
The doctor said to wait and that's just what we'll do
The things we love in life take time
Like my ears, to come back to us again.
Nicole Kupper is a writer living in Chicago, Illinois. She has produced four professional plays, and currently writes for an on-line newspaper.